Vanilla Panna Cotta With Strawberry Red Wine Jam


When you have a selection of preserves within reach, a simple way to showcase them is with panna cotta.

You can use the panna cotta with the preserves in one of two ways. For a more stylized presentation, layer the jam and the panna cotta: heat the jam, pour a thin layer into chilled panna cotta molds (nonstick flexible silicone muffin pans work well) and refrigerate until cooled. Then pour the warm panna cotta on top and refrigerate again until set, about two hours. To serve, invert the panna cotta on a plate to show off the layers. Or you can make a straightforward panna cotta in a ramekin and serve a spoonful of jam on top.

Makes 6



  1. In a medium pot over medium-high heat, bring the cream, sugar, butter, and vanilla bean to a boil. Remove from the heat and let the vanilla infuse into the cream for 15 minutes. Remove the vanilla bean. Using a spoon, scrape the vanilla seeds into the cream, discarding the pod.

  2. Soak the gelatin sheets in ice water for at least 2 minutes or until softened. Squeeze out any excess water from the gelatin and whisk it into the cream. Strain the panna cotta through a fine-mesh strainer into a heatproof pitcher (this removes any extra bits of gelatin). Pour into 6 ramekins or 6 silicon muffin cups and refrigerate until set, about 2 hours. To unmold, run a palette knife or paring knife along the edges and invert it onto a plate.

Recipe from The Preservation Kitchen cookbook, page 75.