Blueberry Bubbles


Blueberry meets basil in this colorful cocktail recently featured as a special Sunday Supper offering at Vie, Chef Paul Virant's restaurant in Western Springs, Illinois. Thanks to Vie bar manager Julius for the recipe (and to Patrick for modeling for us)!


1/2 ounce Jar Sessions Blueberry Aigre-Doux, jar contents blended
1/2 ounce basil simple syrup (see below)
your favorite sparkling wine
lemon twist 


Combine equal parts blended blueberry aigre-doux and basil syrup.

Top with sparkling wine and garnish with a lemon twist.

For the basil syrup:

8 ounces hot water
4 tablespoons chopped basil
1 cup sugar

Let basil steep in hot water for 10 minutes.

Then fold in sugar, and stir into a syrup.

Strain and discard basil.
